Saturday, March 21, 2020

The ''New Wave'' democraaat Agenda : Geriatric Candidates New Debate Forum - Puppets For Control by Others!

Voting democraaat isn't about the country's well being and bringing prosperity to it's citizens, Donald Trump has already done that. This is about the swamp creature criminals like Biden, Comey, Yates, Clapper, Strzok and Brennen, among many many others coming back into power.

Just think about these old geezers mentally failing now and how they will not be able to do the job of leader of the free world, but think of the criminal element that will guide Biden into the sewer of progressive destruction for all of us.

You do remember the revelations about the abuse of power from the democraaats during the run up to the election in 2016 and the 4 years after, right? The absolute corruption in all of the government agencies and departments to one end, destory the president and his adminstraion! 

A virtual attempt to over-throw a duly elected president of the Untied States. A  real "Coup" to over-throw the government by democraaats.

If that isn't enough, there was an immense amount of money that they left on the table when Trump threw the out. They want it back and to continue to once and for all solidify power in their hands that will never again be allowed to be stopped.

The American dream of individual freedom changed for generations.

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