Sunday, March 22, 2020

Prepping for Security but Hording? : Sad Behavior by The Stupid and Ignorant!

But then it isn't about good sense, it's all about driving the narrative of doom, life without toilet paper. The preppers that work to take care of themselves in an emergency and the horders that fight in the store over toilet paper! A total degeneration of human behavior!

Is this the ''new normal'' Barrrack Ogbjmma was talking about when his economy was failing for 8 years? ''Get use to it'' he said.

Sadly the latter does explain a lot about our current situation of citizens that don't understand who they are living in the greatest country in the world. And the consequences for being ignorant or just plain stupid resulting in fist fights in the store over a product to whip your rear!

Goodness, have we fallen this far from being a civilized in a society where the lowest denominator is the most important?

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