Sunday, January 27, 2019

Who Was Actually in Vietnam? : Ask Jane Fonda, Not Dick Blumenthal or N. Phillips

When the truth comes out, everyone that is lying should be running for the exits. But not these guys. The media loves a good story about things that are fake, but there are millions of readers just waiting for the next story of  daring and do even when and if they know it's false. Nothing is more important then hearing the narrative, understanding the agenda and being obedient to the ideology. Who knew! democrats back then were more the willing to join with our enemies against us to help our destruction. And now the democrats are more then willing to lie and deceive to gain an advantage as they know their friends in congress and the main stream media will also lie to protect them for having to take responsibility for what they do and say. And yet millions upon millions of citizens buy what the progressive socialists democrats are selling. Generations of voters willingly fall victim every day to the ideology of hate and destruction. It is so puzzling that so many can be so easily duped by misinformation and outright lies. Maybe the worst is they actually believe living on their knees is living the good life. They are happy to be enslaved to the powers of others.

Jane will always be the poster child for what treason looks like. And it's 
not lost on anyone that she was Hollywood. Nothing has changed.

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