Sunday, January 27, 2019

Venezuela's Maduro Confused : democrats Are Demanding The Same Thing?

Maduro is confused. Why am I a bad guy when the US has
many in it's government are saying and doing what I have done?

Venezuela's strong man Maduro asks why I am the bad guy when American democrats are just like me?

It appears that the narrative and ideology of progressive socialists across the world are the same.

Criminally Corrupted with hate and lethal plans to enslave the population at large.

Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren, among others in the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective are demanding the same thing in America as a totally corrupt and mass killer Maduro in Venezuela.

Only now, America has a new source of socialists that have no desire to hide their total contempt for capitalism or the individual freedom to chose one own destiny.

Now with the likes of AO Cortez demanding personal  resource redistribution by extreme taxing on not only people of wealth but everyone she believes has or earned enough, climate change funding or we all die and a reordering of priorities in speech, religion, assembly and second amendment rights as outline in the Constitution that only weeks ago would have been absurd, but now finding millions falling to their knees in approval.

Even the progressive socialist liberal democrat collective led by Nancey Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are finding the old ways of taking control of the population and national resources are not to the liking of the ''new wave'' Marxist socialist who want obedience now.

The old ways must pass away making way for the new thinking, new agendas and a more aggressive reformed socialist ideology.

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