Friday, January 11, 2019

Republicans Deny Voter Rights? : Republicans Demand Voter ID

There are many things the progressive democrats hate about individual freedom and liberty, but probably the one they hate the most is having restrictions on who gets to vote. One of the best talking points that progressive liberals love to rage-on about is how the Republicans deny the vote, requiring rules that are designed to stop voter fraud.

It's clear, the liberal democrats understand they can't win without voter fraud. They steal the election by hook or crook. There are no limits that the democrats won't use to gain an advantage.  And one the best examplsis California. How does it happen that the entire state is democrat?

Stealing election is routine. It's just who they are and always have been. But it's just now Donald Trump has driven them into the open showing us all the democrats desperate fear the people are beginning to understand democrats mean to do them all harm.

It's  the contrast that Donald Trump has shown us all between common sense, positive logical thought and actions, and criminal activity in congress, out right hate for the country and it's people.

Who voted for these people? Who actually and willingly voted to put the democrats back in power in the legislature? Who voted in the last election for self destruction??? Who voted for hate as a foundation issue?

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