Wednesday, January 30, 2019

White House Report on Staffing Salaries : $25 Million Saved So Far

Don't know the author or vetted it for acracy and don't care. Some times it's a Dan Rather moment, ''it might not be true but it should be so we will run with it'' Take it for what's it worth as we do know Donald Trump did donate his salary and the First Lady does have far less sycophants then Michelle ever did, so these facts do lend some credence to this report. 

White House Salaries
On Friday, the Trump administration released their annual report to Congress
on White House Office Personnel. It includes the name, status, salary
and position title of all 377 White House employees.

The report also said that Trump decided not to take a dime of his salary
 instead he donated it to an amazing cause! See below:

The report also showed that President Trump is far better at saving money
than Obama was. The total annual White House salaries under Trump are
$35.8 million vs. $60.9 million under Obama, a savings of $25.1 million.
Here are some other key findings:

There are 140 fewer employees on White House staff under Trump than under
Obama at this point in their respective presidencies.

Thirty-nine fewer staffers are also dedicated to The First Lady of
the United States (FLOTUS). Currently, there are only five staffers dedicated to
Melania Trump vs. forty-four staffers who served Michelle Obama (FY2009)

However, it's what the report said Trump did with this salary that
has everyone talking.

Instead of taking his salary, Trump donated all $400,000 to the Department
of the Interior where it will be used for construction and repair needs
at military cemeteries! AMAZING! It's so great to have a President who
loves our brave military men and women so much!

Oh, and where's the media coverage of this? That's right, they don't cover
anything decent that the President does...BUT WE WILL! 

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