Friday, January 25, 2019

White Students Wearing MAGA Hats Are Bad : They Must Be Destroyed!

First of all why should anyone care what a movie star has to say or some nobody Twitter freak? Are these thoughts from stars more meaningful then any other citizen among us? And yet many people obediently fall in line waiting for what the next star will say and then they swoon at the brilliance of their statements.

But worst of all, even when the entire situation has been proven to be a progressive socialist liberal operation, the progressive democrat operatives like Nathan Philips and the black Israelites are shown in video to be absolute democrat shameless criminals, domestic terrorists, the democrat activist in Hollywood and the mainstream media and of course that cesspool of ignorance social media, refuse to acknowledge what they see as being proof they are wrong to change their personal attacks.

What they actually do is double down and continue to character assassinate anyone and everyone that gets in their way. Again it's who they are. Horrible, despicable, ugly, vicious, deceitful and ruthless people that intend to harm us and our country. As one brilliant statement from the brightest among their ranks, he want the students dead, thrown into a chipper.

Don't vote them, if you ever did, every again. These are not nice people and never have been.

Yes, MAGA Hats Symbolize Something. But Not Hate.

By now much of America has seen the images of teenage boys in “Make America Great Again” hats milling near a chanting Native American elder.
Initially, the boys were condemned by the left and the right. More video of the incident, however, revealed the boys were not the instigators.

After that hasty condemnation, some high-profile figures actually had the grace to apologize for their rush to judgment about the boys from Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky and their encounter Friday with Nathan Phillips, 64, on the National Mall.

When actress Jamie Lee Curtis issued an olive branch, hoping for something as noncontroversial as finding “common ground,” some of her left-leaning followers went nuts.

Journalist and author Victoria Brownworth called Curtis’ apology “terribly disappointing.”

“DID YOU MISS THE MAGA HATS?” Brownworth asked.
Jamie Lee Curtis ✔ @jamieleecurtis · Jan 20, 2019

There are two sides to every story. I made a snap judgment based on a photograph & I know better than to judge a book by its cover. I wasn’t there. I shouldn’t have commented. I’m glad there wasn’t violence. I hope theses two men can meet and find common ground as can WE ALL!


Victoria Brownworth @VABVOX

This is terribly disappointing. I thought you were someone dedicated to honesty and truth and here you are saying a press release convinced you that what you saw was false. What's next--defense of Trump?

DID YOU MISS THE MAGA HATS? 782 4:32 AM - Jan 21, 2019  Twitter Ads info and privacy

When it became clear that the white, Trump-supporting teenagers could not be blamed for the incident on the Mall, the left tried to heap some level of responsibility on the boys for wearing those MAGA hats.

Throughout the Twitterverse, otherwise intelligent adults are pointing to the hats as confirmation that the boys 1) were asking for trouble and 2) are racists.

We do believe that #MAGA and the MAGA hats represent something. Wearing the MAGA hat is not a neutral act. But the left’s “Resist” movement once again is completely missing the point.

It’s not a symbol of racism. It’s actually the right’s symbol of resistance to leftist intolerance.

A perfect example of the left’s missing the mark is actress and activist Alyssa Milano, who tweeted: “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood.”

The red MAGA hat is the new white hood.
Alyssa Milano
✔ @Alyssa_Milano

Without white boys being able to empathize with other people, humanity will continue to destroy itself. #FirstThoughtsWhenIWakeUp  85.5K 10:19 AM - Jan 20, 2019

When we counsel clients on effective communication, we offer a few key tips on our “Never Do This List.” On the top of the list is “Never compare anyone to the Ku Klux Klan.” Unless, of course, they are in fact the Ku Klux Klan.

Milano and many others are making the “basket of deplorables” error.

The people who support President Donald Trump and the #MAGA movement largely support an agenda that puts America first. They are people who champion free and fair markets, religious liberty, and tax cuts.

This is not double talk or dog-whistling for anything other than free and fair markets, religious liberty, and tax cuts.

In October, we had the opportunity to meet with and interview black American college students who were in Washington for a Turning Point USA conference. It was refreshing to see young black students celebrating conservative principles.

The one interview that stands out is with a young woman from Denver. When we asked her, “What does it mean to be bold?” she replied without hesitation: “To be bold to me is to wear this hat.” And she pointed to her bright red MAGA hat.

She continued: “To be conservative and to express my views. I mean, that is one of the boldest things that any of us could possibly do, especially in this particular time.”

That young African-American woman, and the young teens from Kentucky, understand that MAGA hats make a statement.

The left missed the statement in 2016. And to the peril of their hopes for 2020, they are missing it once again.

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