Wednesday, January 23, 2019

President Trump Is A Success : His Critics Wither And Fade(Video)

He succeeds in spite of the hate and ignorance from the 
cesspool of politicians who have failed to deliver.
To be successful one needs to be more then masters of fantasy. Ideas for success must be based on reality. Touchy/feely will not bring jobs and foreign policy accomplishments.

What the touchy/feely proponents believe is nice rhetoric will be enough to fill the stomachs of the population and protect them from external threats.

In reality, the progressive ideology of rhetorical promises of all things to all people do not work and never have. There are decades, generations of proof.

What the population understands is 60 years of empty promises didn't work so the decided to go with a system that promised results with capitalism and individual freedom to chose, and guess what, that's what they got. Who knew?

Now the progressives socialsit liberal Marxist democrats are on their collective heels, ramping up their attacks with false promises, misinformation, outright lies and violence.

Again, who voted for this? Why did so many demonstrate their ignorance so willingly for all to see? And the worst part of all it worked. We now Nancy Pelosi openly proposing to crush the population with higher taxes and open borders. 

Is this what the people rally wanted when the thoughtlessly and wrongly voted for more democrats? democrat voters what self destruction?

What ‘Trumponomics’ Is All About
Bill Walton / /

President Ronald Reagan was a winner who believed in the boundless potential of America.

Sound familiar? It’s one of the reasons President Donald Trump is succeeding despite the relentless criticism. He “has a finger on the pulse of millions and millions and millions of Americans.” He beat 17 other candidates to get elected and then outsmarted Congress and his own advisers to get a much better tax bill.

Learn how Trump gets what he wants on this episode of “The Bill Walton Show” with guest Steve Moore.

 Purchase Steve Moore’s book “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive Our Economy

Watch the video :

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