Sunday, January 13, 2019

''Jokers Wild'' Again : Shumer And Pelosi Reek Havoc, Chaos and Destruction

The ''jokers'' are wild and going for the throat of America. And then one has to ask, 'who are these people and do they mean to do us all harm?' It appears they don't like us down here in the trenches very much as they want an open border, allowing our civil society to be changed, altered to accommodate millions of new people coming into our country that have no idea who we are and don't care. It is about them, and them only. It's about the good life were everything is free and easy. The immigrate is promised by progressive democrats, all that's is necessary to have what you want is to get here and we will take care of you. Ultimately, the end result of unlimited immigration due to open borders will change our lives, our families and our country for ever. democrats have shown us all they don't gave a dam for us as citizens, whether you are black, brown or white. The progressive socialist liberal democrats are unbiased. They dislike, distrust and or hate everyone that they perceive as in opposition to their personal demand for power. It has always been the way. It appears, for the most part, the new people who are coming to America across our southern border, want what we have and they don't care how they get it. Once they arrive, democrats promise all things will be free for the taking, all that's required is to vote democrat. The country as founded be dammed! It's only about getting and keeping the power to control all out comes and by any means necessary. Who voted for these people? Was it just the immigrants that voted them in? Or were there enough ignorant progressive citizens along with the immigrants to make our country a rat hole once again? Is self destruction a good thing? It appears so.

The Jokers are wild - Anything goes as long as they have 
ultimate power. All others must be destroyed, including the country itself.

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