Monday, January 21, 2019

democrats Line Up To Run For President : Neurological Imbalance Rules The Day

democrats clog the front pages with presidential candidates
nobody has seen before. The post office has the same list.

It is curious that so many democrats believe they might have a chance to unseat President Trump in 2020. At last count it was about 24 and growing.

It appears these candidates believe a ''transformation'' is needed for our civil society in America to become more social and obedient, less independent.

The Republican field of candidates in 2016 for president was 17, but the field of democrats has far out striped that now even nearly two years head of election time.

There, of course, might be another reason why so many democrats are proposing to take on President Trump in 2020 is they know they have no chance, but it places them in the media above the fold where they otherwise would never be.

Another reason is positioning themselves for a run at the office in 2024. Getting their collective faces before the general public is a must if they have any chance for that high office. But the battle for the hearts and minds of the general public will be much harder then in the past given he successes of Donald Trump, especially after 6 more years in office.

If what we have seen after only two years from President Trump in the way of unprecedented  successes, it boggles the mind of sane people what good things can happen for our country after 6 more years of President Donald Trumps leadership.

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