Sunday, January 20, 2019

democrats Head For The Exits : It's Decision Time!

To go or not to go - that is the question. The fact that they will have to make hard decisions if they stay tell the story of why they hit the button to run away from their responsibilities. It just easier.

Remember a few years ago when the Scott Walker a change in the way the state handled unions, ACT 10? The democrats left town, they went to Illinois for neatly a month so they wouldn't have to vote on the bill. People from around the country were amazed by his behavior. But why? It's who they were then and still are today.

democrats whether in the states government  or in the federal government, they are the same. Morally and ethically corrupt. Hey, they are same then as now. Nothing has changed except they are worse if that's possible.

Only now with Donald Trump they have a real fear they are losing their grip on the population, so have come out from under the rocks and the deep murky swamp to attack the population in the trenches who voted for Trump.

Who voted for them? Who actually voted for corruption?

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