Monday, September 02, 2024

Jaws Understands the Fickle Beach Goer! : Joe Will Be Asking ''What Up??''

Old Joe is known to be easily confused. There's a mountain of video that shows us how bewildered and stumblingly unaware of where he is at any given time and place. This just means if the shark shouts ''bear'' Joe will take off running as best as he can just because everyone else is. Joe has always done things like this because he needs directional help!

Even when he was a lifeguard back in the day in Delaware, Corn Pop would make fun of him for being so easily fooled into believing he was actually a lifeguard and not just a brain-dead moron! 

No?  He was telling the kids at the pool to play with the hair on his legs!!??

Understand, living at the end of your rope will make you do that! Even at his youngest stages in Delaware, he never had a chance to lead a real life. He was always a few pickles short of a barrel!

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