Monday, September 02, 2024

democraaats Find A Leadership Icon! : ''Trust Us'' They Say!! ha ha ha ha

You know who they are or you should by now. But there are millions of good citizens who have no idea what's going on and worse, they never will as no matter what happens in the country, they will never be able to say, ''hmmmm, that's not right. is it''!?

It appears that it's an DNA thing which drives many among us to act and react to their particular political leaning. For democraaats, there are few options available to them. No matter how off center the democraaat candidate is, the voter will always vote the same no matter the consequences.

And sadly, no matter how bad the result become, they, the democraaat voter, will never know why things are as bad for them as they are! 

They can be forced into living in a dumpster but never be able to know why!

The democraaat voter is ready to do their duty to the
party and the socialist collective and vote like they are
told and like it.

Really, they have no choice! It's just who they ae
and always will be to the end!

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