Sunday, September 08, 2024

Vote For Kamomala! : Prove You Are Ignorant Therefore Dangerous!!

 How is it that The Marxist liberated democraaats can run a candidate that has no redeeming qualities of any sort that can or will prove her to be a serious leader of our country?

And yet the entire mainstream media that said just a couple months ago she was a mystery as to her qualification to be president, is all in to do just that for her. The lies about her background and history are Soviet style misinformation tactics to convince the voters she is actually a qualified candidate.

In reality Kamomala Harris, according to all the video recordings of her showing she is actually a Marxist socialist. And yet again the media demands she has denounced all of those policies over all of the years of her experience as city Attorney General (AG) of San Francsico and then as the state of California proves she is who she said she was then and now.

She says she is a new person, clean of all her past nonsense of communist ideology! Hey, is she something entirely different than after her 20 years of California dreaming? 

But why do they keep her locked away from the press? ''Come on man, ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies''

''We don't need no stinkin' press conferences!''

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