Thursday, September 12, 2024

Th Border cZar : Where IS Vice President Kamomala?

 For all purposes, the vice president is now in charge of the nation as the president is no longer in charge. The controlling democraaat leadership that has been operating behind the scenes for the last 4 years to manipulate and articulate the puppet that sits behind the Resolute Desk in the White House today is not a real person but only a facsimile.

Now the real power has decided he was no longer needed to do their will, replacing him with the vice president as the Constitution demands when the president is no longer able to execute the duties of the office.

And with the entire legacy media in total conjunction with the democraaat leadership committee pulling on the strings, we now have the vice president who is really in control of the nation, but she wasn't told. She was instructed to do and say what we, the leadership committee want done and they will take care of the details. 

Ever wonder why the nation is out of control? Why it seems the entire government is set to diver the people to their collective knees? 

Are we being corralled into some mindset to believe we no longer have a place at the table? Is it just a bunch of unelected political elites who have an agenda that doesn't include the people? 

Who the hell are these people and why are we not doing something to stop them?

Electing Donald Trump will be best and last hope for America!

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