Thursday, September 12, 2024

DNC Must Have Control : And By Any Means Necessary!

That the democraaat National Committee would believe that their base wouldn't notice that they told the President of the United States that he no longer is in control of the nation, they told him to stay indoors and to make no political or policy statements without first getting approval.

Butr  wait, what did the base say about this? hmmmmm Sorry, speak up,  I didn't hear that?

And then without any approval from the voter base or demanding some transparency, they decided on stheir own, Barry and his friends, who will carry the flag of the collective into the race for the White House in November.  And who better that another brain-dead sycophant who will dance on the end of strings just like the first guy, only it's believed she will be even more acceptable to learning a whole new plethora of toons.

After all, Kamomala is all about the bright lights, dancing on center stage and applause. But the show must go on no matter how dark the clouds that threatens to change the end the program before the finale.

Of course, don't be fooled with the rhetoric, it was never about the
people's right to exist or some stupid program like democracy, it is
 now and always has been about getting and keeping
the power for control!

Remember, ''democraaats are willing to destroy the country
just for the chance to feed on the dead carcass!''

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