Saturday, September 28, 2024

democraaats Rig Elections? : Non-Sense! It's Just What We Do!

 Goodness! People wonder what they could be thinking when they ''fact checked'' Trump after each question they asked in the debate but not Kamomala Harris. And even more strange concerning their behavior, they made no effort to hide their bias and showed no signs of shame!

Many people thought this was not how a debate was supposed to be held.

But wait, these are Marxist liberated democraaats. It is just assumed by most everyone else who lives in darkness and then sleeps with the lights on, this is not strange at all but normal procedures. It's just what they do. 

They aren't anything like the rest of us! They are true believers! 

Remember, they aren't using criminal behavior consciously, it's just who and what they are! democraaats protecting their own is primal! 

''By any means necessary'' means just that. They believe
they are not restricted by law but only by what they
can legally steal from others.

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