Monday, September 09, 2024

Can You Know Too Much? : Be Careful With Perception!

Just when you thought it was safe to seek knowledge, you find what you seek is or might be a revelation you can use in your vast accumulations of pertinent facts for making your way in life better making sound and pertinent decisions.

But what you actually find is that mostly everything you always thought was reverent and true is actually irreverent, only a bogus fantasy and maybe worse, what you thought was useful and enlightening becomes near useless. And again, you learn it apparently, probably always has been! 

Now what to do? Where do we go from here?

Beware of those bearing gifts of intellectual brilliance. What you might find is just more nonsense coming from those that have been already cast aside as being irrelevant. 

That's why they hide at universities and on hill tops!!


The journey home will be treacherous!

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