Friday, September 06, 2024

Kamomala Shouts, ''Biiydenomics IS Working!'' Cackle! Cackel! : The Ignorant Applaud!

 The Marxist democraaats believe all that's necessary for success in your life is to believe what we tell you is the truth. Pay no attention to your eyes and wallet!

And if you don't believe what we are telling you is true and complain about food prices or the immigrates that flood the streets or it's not safe to walk the city streets anymore because of rampant crime, maybe then it's time for you to spend some time behind bars as you're a Russian propogandist, a communist activist.

Worse, a Republican or a Conservative! Yikes!!

Kamomala is on a roll selling her self as the next
Barry Oybjmma that's here to save us all from a
Republican agenda of success and a bright future.

Biiydenonomic is working!

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