Sunday, September 08, 2024

Kamomala Knows What She Wants : She Just Wants Your Power! for Control!!

The thing she knows for sure is that taking the top job for absolute control of all things is her only job in life in San Fransico or the state of California, was operating above the fray, or now her final objective in Washington, demanding others do her bidding, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve that end.

She has nothing to give in return for her subject's loyalty as she always been an empty vessel. 

All she can promise to all those who love her and her socialist agenda in the voting booth other then they will have more days to steal and rob the weak and helpless of their possessions. The country in free fall!!

California reborn for the entire country where everything is beyond parity.

Hail to the chief! The king is dead! Long live the king!

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