Wednesday, August 07, 2024

You Must Believe It's All True : Would The Politicians Lie to Us?

Interesting that the question would even need to be debated. The government has always lied to the people because if they ever changed their strategy and told the truth, it would be rejected as a lie! 

Who is she, really? Just another far left Marxist liberated democraaat, a neo communist? And her pick for a VP makes no bones about who he is, a true believer in the agenda of ''everyone is no better than anyone else in the neighborhood''

''To each according to their needs and from each according to their abilities''!!

Sound familiar?

She has absolutely nothing to offer the people to make them
believe she can lead the nation. So, why is she in the
running for President?

Who will benefit the most if a Marxist takes over
the White House?

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