Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kamomala Struggled During The Primary : Well, Struggle Might Be Wrong Term!

''Kamomala was crushed'' better describes her efforts to take the number one job in the government during the primary! So why is she the nominee? How did that happen? 

Did someone just say, ''The number one guy can't do the job like we all thought so, as vice president and therefore, being second in line in the collective for the job, you will now take over and become president. We will make it happen!'' 

Now how does this sit with the base voters where 14 million of them were told to pound sand when they arbitrarily threw Joe under bus and told Kamomala she gets the job! 

Or are the base voters just tools that will do whatever the smart people in charge tell them to do?

Is this how it's supposed to work? Sure, but only if they are democraaats!!!

Strange how the base voters are considered fools
and they don't seem to care!

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