Friday, August 23, 2024

Kamomala IS Vice President, Right? : She Can Fix It Now!

 True! No fact checking needed. She can help the natives at the store by bring her considerable influence to bear on the economic problems we all are facing in our daily lives as a result of the Biiyden's administration's incompetence and criminal active over the last 4 years.

But of course, that's asking too much of her as she struggles to understand what it means to live life without someone by her side directing her next move. 

There's no connection with the outside world and never in her life where she had to work to make ends meet or starve. She always had a Willy Brown like person to pave the way even though she had to make certain adjustments in her activities to ensure her political rise was a certainty in San Fransico and eventually in the state of California as AG.

She had to make some compromises along the way to get what she wanted.

Definitive action is not relevant to winning elections. She knows
 that deceit and deception work the best.

Her entire history is one of living in the shadow of a mentor. But
now, even the current president of The United States can't protect
her from the light of day!

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