Friday, August 09, 2024

Gotham City or Washington DC, Maybe Even Batman Can't Save Us!

 Those with deep pockets, big money donners, have decided the Giggler will be their best bet to keep the money flowing to their personal accounts like they had with Ol' Joe Biiyden. Both good soldiers, good democraaats.

The best part in all this for the democraaat collective, she will be even easier to direct and control as she is totally without any sense of worth, ethical or moral standing. She has no idea what she's doing other than Lovin' the lights of recognition on the biggest stage of all.

It's kind like the gay baseball outfielder who drops a crucial fly ball, and the fans scream out calling him a ' worthless cocksucker'; it's what he likes, recognition!!

The comedy of abject failure is lost on the taxpayers, and yet millions will decide she is the best they can hope for. For them, there ae no options. They are so used to failure in their politicians it just a second nature to vote for more failure.

It's just all they know.

Shouldn't there some redeeming qualities in the democraaat
politicians running for president? Can they all be
 totally worthless! (Well, she does have some redeeming
qualities according to Willy Brown!)

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