Thursday, August 29, 2024

Kamomala Is Here To Help Fix It!! : All She Needs Is One Day!

 Kamomala has made ''Biiydenomics'' one of her important legs that she is using to support her campaign for being elected the first woman president of The United States! 

And even more importantly, she tells us she will be the first black woman to be president of the United States even though we all know she isn't black but half India Indian. Her father was Indian, but her mother is Ciscaucasia.

She is a liar! and a fraud!

Kamomala is a fraud from her very roots, a liar and a cheat, purveyor of misinformation especially about who she actually is and a liar about what and who she actually was. Her history is out in the open for all to see and understand, the consummate fraud but there for the perfect democraaat to run for president.

Remember, old Joe was a loser for his entire life but was elected and reelected over and over again as his constituents saw him for what he was, just a good old home boy making a life out of nothing.

Even Barry knew Joe was a loser and that's why he had him for a vice president. Barry knew he wanted someone easily controllable to run for president and therefore Barry would have his desired third term in office if Joe won and he did. (The Constitution says a president can only be in office for two terms.)

But as he stated in an interview once after he left office, he wanted a front man to take the slings and arrows while he, Barry would make all of the decisions that matter, especially the ones to establish Barry's religious jihad for what he wanted for America, ''fundamental change'' to America's founding!

And of course, we know how that's working out for America!!

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