Saturday, August 10, 2024

Democracy? ; ''We Don't Need No Stinkin' Democracy''!

 The catch words for the last several years for the Marxist liberated democraaats has been, ''Saving democracy'' as an excuse for extraordinary measures to eliminate Donald Trump from the earth. And in one instance they almost were successful!

After all he is so dangerous to the Marxist collective's push for Barrrack's agenda and ideology of a ''fundamental change'' that he wants for America, along with this religious jihad, that it dominated most of his second term as well as his third term directing Joe Biiyden's first term.

Now as the presidential election looms large, the Marxist democraaats are socking a lot of hot are due to having the task to quickly eliminate their loser president, he can't win and substitute another person to take charge of the duties of president along with the five or so other unelected bureaucrats behind the senses making all the necessary decisions as president portends.

Goodness, always vote for an early and shallow grave for you and your family!

democraaats believe by shredding the Constitution is the best for
to save democracy! Establishing a centralized government to make
all decisions for everyone will bring stability and prosperity.

Really, what actually happened to the USSR?

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