Wednesday, August 28, 2024

History Repeating Its Self? : The democraaats Have New Slaves?

 It sure appears the democraaats are still living in the past where they demanded their slaves remain slaves to do the hot sweaty work that they find abhorrent! 

The democraaat party was fully invested in keeping their slaves which led to why the civil war was fought. The South decided to separate itself from the union and establish it own nation so they could keep their slaves.

But the Republican president at the time knew that was a bad idea and therefore told the South that separation was not in the best interest of the country and the federation of states. The president told the South they will not be allowed to go their own why and if they refused to comply with the law, bad things will happen. 

And as we all know bad things did happen but not only for the South, but the entire nation became involved as the South refused to remain in the federation. More than 600,000 individuals died in the process.

Now, years later, the Marxist liberated democraaats are at it again with the immigrants that are flocking here over the open border by the 10's of millions bringing the democraaats a new opportunity for someone to do the dirty work again they won't and can't do themselves!

Nothing new under the sun. But I wonder though if they will reinstitute the Clan as well? It worked for them before so why not again now as the future president says he will send them back where they came from?

''Our plan is beneficial to all concerned. The new people having
no jobs, we figured they can earn the way by working to 
establish themselves as future citizens and then by voting
 responsibly to make our country solvent and safe again.''

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