Saturday, August 31, 2024

Who and What Influences democraaat Leadership?

 It really is hard to tell just who is in charge of making decisions concerning the direction of the Marxist collective?  Some say it's Barry but he's an advocate of a religious jihad for '''fundamental change'' to and for America. 

So, who the hell is running the show in Washington? Joe? nah, he's sound asleep at the beach in Delaware where he has been for the last 4 years. 

Is it  Kamomala? hmmmmm! The socialist princess from that great state of California pulling the strings from behind the scenes to make old Joe function?

And worse maybe, with the history of the democrat party from the last century and their efforts to control the black population with the Clan, it doesn't look good or bode well for the future of the collective when social media is alive and well showing a connection to black who are not stupid and see how they have been used and abused by the democraaats.

Therefore, what's changed? The democraaat are still just democraaats?

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