Friday, August 23, 2024

The Power Behind The Throne! : Barry Looks For His Fourth Term?


Barry knew a good thing when he saw it when he picked Joe to be his running mate in 2008 and then in 2012 was for a good reason, he knew Joe was an empty suit, for all tense and purposes as a two-bit self-servicing criminal who had no ambition other then never having a real job where he would have to perform responsibly.

Joe history is one of doing whatever he wanted to do no matter how wrong and corrupt.  It was party time, train rides home and chain fights behind the bleacher with CornPop! He knew he would always be reelected from Delaware. The fix was in!! Life is good.

Being vice president for 8 years was a perfect fit, allowing Joe to direct the stealing $millions of dollars from around the world for himself and the family. Enter Hunter Biiyden!

And if that wasn't enough, Barry, Barrrack was looking to the future and understood that Joe would be the perfect puppet to extend his power into an unelected third term. A cake walk!

And now with another easy mark, another empty suit dancing to his toon, Kamomala running for president, Barrack has a chance to obtain his fourth term that he believed would cement his legacy with the completion of his religious Jihad for his famed ''Fundamental Change'' for America he promised back in 2008!

He never believed it would be this easy!

And here we go! The fix is in!? Never believe that the Marxist  
liberated democraaats will allow their last best chance to drive 
the country into a Marxist hell hole of
unprecedented proportions of poverty and pestilence!

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