Sunday, August 13, 2023

Why Is It So Important to Be Irreconcilable? : For Rapinoe, It's About Being Free or Woke?

 It was time to chose. She wants both. In truth, she has a problem, a disease that is running wild in our society and there seems to be no cure. Apparently it has to run in course like a virus that pops up, takes a hold of good people and drives into doing things that beg their common sense to be questioned.

For some the degeneration to be rational escapes them, while for others find it to be a psychosis that forces them to lose control of reality and perform acts of that are contrary to the normal rules of  civil society in which they live and prosper.

In the end, society manages to explain to them by a majority that they are no longer needed to represent how life in a free society is actually conducted and therefore are asked to find other places to live out their fantasies.

The question now, did she do what she did on purpose,
taking the final step showing the final degeneration of
her sickness!

Some of the rules experts say are the most important
in how the wokeness disease plays out especially
in high profile people.

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