Monday, August 14, 2023

While Joe Sleeps, The Next Election Rigged Again?

 Yeah, everyone one says the last election was a pure as a democraaat promise, but in realty it was travesty of corruption. Dozens of videos showing principle criminals performing acts of complicity with others in places of authority for election integrity, thousands of affidavits signed by people under penalty of law, swearing to the facts what the people saw first hand.

But pay no attention to any of that, as all of the other candidates that lost said the same thing. Still, they  had no proof of where they said 100's of thousand's of votes were illegitimate, stolen from them where as Trump had a mountain of evidence.

But hey, who cares, Trump is a Republican so he's getting what he deserves! Hell, ask most any Republican if Trump deserved to lose?

It seems that when the entire government is
weaponized against you along with a complicit
media, the outcome is assured.

The democraaat voter will never know
the hell they are living through now
is by their own making!

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