Tuesday, August 01, 2023

What Happened to Lady Justice? : Raped by democraaats For Power!

 Her 250 year virtue history is stolen by Marxist democraaats, communist!!! There is no other explanation for the horrific attack on our civil society's laws and freedoms other then the monsters that have over decades, even generations of human existence, destroyed entire countries around the world, is now in America doing the same thing.

Freedom of speech and the rule of law applied equally under the Constitution's first amendment no longer exists.

"Come on man, no joke! We are just here to save democracy! If you say that isn't true, then you ain't American.'' (Big smile!) Exit stage right!!

Don't be fooled by main stream media extolling false
platitudes about democracy being stolen when in fact
democracy is being stolen by democraaats.

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