Friday, August 18, 2023

Back In The Day With Walter Cronkite : What is/was Truth? Don't Ask!

This is interesting in that when Walter signed off his daily news cast at CBS, he would always say, ''And that's the way it is'' and we believe it. But what was the truth? Why did we just  accept what Walter said was the truth? It never entered anyone's mind that maybe Walter was lying!

Why would we question Walter as to what he said was the truth or not? Why would Walter lie to us? No one ever considered CBS or Walter would be lying. Goodness, parish the thought!

Given the nightmare that is the Marxist liberated democraaat media, especially CBS, little is left to wonder what happen back in the day where we were never told the truth.

And that, we as citizens today, we know as a fact with all our new media availability, we now know we are never told the truth as well from most cable outlets and all of the lettered television channels as well as nearly all printed media, are  controlled by Marxist democraaats.

And the truth is what we say it is. There are no reasons to 
ask questions, ''And that is the way it is''!!

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