Tuesday, August 01, 2023

Ol' Joe - No Match Found In Civil Society! : Totally Shameless And Criminally Corrupt!

After 50 years in government employment as a democraaat, what else can one expect other than total corruption from Joe Biiyden? A man totally without humanity or a soul!

What  a great legacy to leave his grand kids to have to bear in life as they grow in what is left of our civil society as Joe leaves the Presidency.

Just imagine when these kids are in school and the teacher begins to explain in history class how one of our presidents actually sold America to an enemy for a bag of silver. 

I wonder then if all of the other students in the class will automatedly turn in their seats and look that the kid with the grandfather who is guilty of doing that and therefore is guilty of treason!

Remember what happened to Benedict Arnold when he committed treason?

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