Thursday, August 17, 2023

Fossil Energy Must End : The Freedom to Chose Unworkable democraaats Say!

The Marxist liberated communist understand what is at stake and this will be their very best opportunity they have had in generations to make the transition happen.

The next election will be a ''water shed'' event. If the Republicans and independent voters, even many democraaats, cannot understand what is at stake for the future of America, then truly we will witness the beginning of the next revaluation that will set the course of the country and probably the entire world for generations to come.

Truly the climate change, the green new energy pivot will transform our country into a place where no one could have imagined we could go.

The solution is never again vote for Marxist democraaats. It is a reality that our very existence is threatened as a nation.

The complete and total mass hypnosis has taken place of
millions of good citizens. Medial experts claim it's worse
than they first thought. They are saying it's now a 
''neo-psychosis'' that may permanently render the victim
helpless to protect themselves from further manipulation
in the near future.

It seems the Tesla owners are having a ''finger snapping'
event, an awaking to reality. Only time will tell if the effects
of mass mind control is recoverable before they are left
helplessly for all time in the hands of the manipulators.
(Mostly Marxist democraaats!!)

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