Monday, August 01, 2022

The Crash Due To High Inflation! : Joe Says It Was The Tires!!

 One has to wonder just what is wrong with Joe now that he has the Wuhan flu again? Well, there is a lot wrong with Joe, both physically and mentally that can explain why he's sick again even though he wears a mask all the time. Old Joe is screwed and that means here comes Kamala, whick means the country is even more screwed then with Ol' Joe Biiyden.

Who the hell voted and cheated in the 2020 election to get these catastrophic disasters into office!!!!

(Yeah, and we all know the data say mask don't work and never have but pay no attention to any of that! Joe told us he tested negative, but he lied, again, and again and again!)

Come on man, going down like that is okay, I've taken fall
much worse falls than that taken a bath!

''What is going on man, I thought this was a 
pool party? Whart are all these people doing
wearing tuxes''?

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