Thursday, April 07, 2022

What Is ''Biological'' Mean? : The Fear of Confronting Common Sense!

 When pressed to explain ''what is a woman'', Biiyden's nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Jackson made no strange facial contortions show her inability to comprehend the question, she, as a matter of fact said she couldn't do that as she wasn't a biologist. Human existence appears to be of little or no importance to being a Justice.

Judge Jackson knew she really couldn't comprehend the question as it never entered her conscience as reality of how things are. It was an irrelevant question for her personal existence. She appears without form or identity in the civil society.

Was it that judge Jackson didn't know what a woman is or was it her ideology precludes the human form in favor of the definition according to her belief system?

And then the truth will set you free! Oh wait, she's a 
liberated socialist democraaat which means truth is of no
importance or relevant in any circumstance!

Biology is not important if truth is irrelevant but just a 
word to be used as a crutch to deflect from having to 
explain one's agenda and ideology.

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