Tuesday, February 01, 2022

What Do Republicans Stand For? : Easy, Everything Biiyden Isn't For!

What a sad story of a great country becoming something no one ever would have dreamed America would become in just one year. And yet here we are headed over the cliff and picking up speed going into the election year that might change our country for the better. Sadly, as well, the Republicans are clueless and totally ineffective in stopping the coming disaster.

The liberated Marxist democraaat hate machine has been ramped up to try and change the impending results of the coming ''red wave'' at the ballot box with the same tactics they used in 2020 to take the election away from Donald Trump. 

The evidence is becoming clearer by the day where autopsies of voting results in the 5 ''battle ground'' states that saw the greatest change in the results are being completed.

Luckily these forces afoot that are busy trying to stem that tide with new evidence of the wrongdoing and then presenting it to the people and the courts to change that cheating dynamic this time around.

Will it make a difference remains to be seen? Even now the courts are suspect in the new 'Woke' norm of ''the mass psychosis syndrome'' (Mass hypnosis) that has changed so many people and organizations from being rational to being irrational. Medical experts in field of psychiatry are puzzled that it was done with such ease and so complete.

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