Saturday, November 20, 2021

Who's A Member of The KKK Clan? : Who Isn't? When Does It Matter?

 Interesting when it's a progressive Marxist democraaat who caught in black face, the narrative is whatz the big deal. 

'So what, the good democraaat governor Ralph Northam was just having some fun during his school days, right?' 

So let's look someplace else for the real bad people, the racists and destructors of America! The black woman masquerading as a white supremist according to the Marxist media supporting what ever the The New Liberated Marxist democraaat Collective'' wants them to say! And they are more then willing to do so with rigorous hatful rhetoric!

After all they are all Marxist who understand the advantages of total power over others just like all Marist democraaat politicians. As long as you can hate America and it people, you can join the mob to bring real justice to bear!

Always vote democraaat for justice!

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