Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Do You Believe Man-Made Climate Change is Real? : The Climate Has Changed! The Country is Failing! Go Green!!!

And why is it time to prove you want to save the planet? Biiyden has set aside $500 Billion tax dollars for the changeover in his BBBroke Bill that just passed the House of Representatives! No Republican voted for it. 

Now it will be all renewables, wind power and solar panels and Ethanol, doing away with all gas-powered engines by 2035 -2050, mandating only electric cars and any other powered unit that required fossil energy must be electric. 

Ever wonder how all of these electric cars and cities will be run with wind power and solar panels? How the hell will you store enough energy to just light one major city let alone 10 million electric cars with out any other source of power??? All fossil energy resources will be shut down!! No coal, No natural gas and No nuclear!!!

How do you convince the population who own more the 25 million gas power cars that will be forced into walking to work is better for them, if there are jobs, and it will save the planet for the leaders of our once great nation to rule.

Just think how cool that will be when you and your family are living in a cardboard box, supplied by the local hardware store and eating at the local dumpster behind the grocery store. It's said the lines there will be long but they move along well.

Okay Marxist democraaats, time to show off how dedicated you are to your ideology. Stay in line, no butting in!

Those who voted for Joe Biiyden and the Marxist democraaats who cheated to put him in office have to take the responsibility and be hated for what they did and make sure their memory is never forgotten!!!

Smile people, you voted to make this happen. You're family
member will hate you as a way of life that when it came to
do your duty to save the nation, as millions have done before,
you failed in this sacred duty.

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