Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Rittenhouse Prosecutors Are Found Guilty As Charged! : Marxist democraaats Rage!!

 Given all of the hate coming from the destructive Marxist democraaats before and after for the outcome of this trail. it does give on a good feeling that there are still many Americans who believe in doing the right thing no matter how dangerous it will be for themselves and their families.

The shining city on the hill just got brighter!

The judge is found to be legitimate! The Marxist still
hate him for being legitimate. If a judge doesn't rule in their favor
they have to be illegitimate and racist!!  Who knew?

Being Woke is a given for many in the justice system given if you
find it necessary to make decisions according to the actual law you 
open your self up to being attacked by the Woke mob.

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