Saturday, November 27, 2021

It's Here Folks -The New Variant : Run For Yours Lives!! Death Is Near!(Again!)

This was predicted last year. Once ''The Fau Ci' had beaten the original flu virus to death with promises of death by the millions and that didn't happen, and the people said no more of this nonsense, then The Fau Ci would resurrect the next crisis to derive the people back into their masks and dark places quivering in fear.

And just like clockwork, along comes the first variant, Delta that drove some of the population into another frenzy of fear, quaking in their hall closets wearing 3 masks and goggles. 

But at the same time many weren't buying the hype and went about their business without fear. This the Fau Ci knew must not take hold for the entire country as he would become irrelevant again. He would again be just another lying government official like Joe Biiyden stealing tax dollars for doing nothing of any value.

WOHA! Who knew? Here comes the next variant from The Fau Ci saying it's not here yet from Africa but we must be aware that it's only a matter of time before it causes mass death and destruction. The Fau Ci say we must be proactive by having all of the needed materials in place to explain why the population must obey his demands for more restrictions on speech, travel and life itself!

The Fau Ci will give the all-clear signal when it's safe again to come outside to inspect the damage he did to our country again. But also, never fear, another variant is ready to be unpacked when needed.

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