Sunday, November 21, 2021

Rittenhouse Prosecutor Demonstrates Fire Arm Safety : Alec Say ''Good Job!!''

 Alec Baldwin is being suited for his dangerous and incompetent behavior that actually killed a person. Little wonder the media isn't covering this horrific tragedy as Alex is a member of the hateful mob of Marist socialist democraaats.

Remember the destruction of dozens of cities in our country last year? Killing many and injuring thousands of police which cost the taxpayers more the $2 billion dollars and those involved have not been prosecuted for their actions.

But why? Easy! The are all Marxist democraaats! Nothing to see here! They are above the law. Killing police, burning and looting cites is okay. They had good reasons for their actions, so the law exempts them from arrest.

One is a Marxist democraaat and the other is a innocent

Easy, they have no limit to their need for control of all 
outcomes even it means they have to use the Constitution to
to wipe their collective asses, they will attack!

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