Friday, November 19, 2021

Nikola Motors Fraud - Collected $34 Billion From Investors But Produced Nothing!? Amazing!! (Video)

 After you watch this amazing video of how so many big time money managers were bilked out of $billions of dollars because of their own unrestricted egos, it make sense to remember fraud is a way of life in many areas of life?!

And given all that transpired in the video, it brings back to mind the other even bigger frauds over the last several years. It's said the efforts by the Marxist democraaats to over-throw the government of the United States in a bloodless coop was the greatest criminal travesty in American history. 

A major political party, the former democraaat party now the ''The New Marxist Liberated democraaat collective'' is using and weaponizing elements of the government, The FBI, the DOJ and the CIA to destory a political candidate and then an elected president, his entire government Donald Trump.

It's said now as well that the Wuhan flu virus Covid 19 is truly the largest fraudulent scam ever seen as it went world wide claiming it killed millions and destroyed entire countries economies, but when many are now claiming it was a Flu outbreak but used to take control of many entire populations to do the bidding a few in power. Australia and New Zealand to mention just a few.

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