Thursday, December 10, 2020

Then and now with Ol' Joe : 47 Years of ''Touch and Go'' Plus Aggravated Assault!

 Now you can shut up! Nothing to see here! It seems there is a lot of questionable behavior associated with Joe Biden. Remember Terra Reid accusing Ol' Joe of aggravated sexual assault and his many ''hands on'' behavior of women including children. 

The question is how many 'hands on' type behaviors that has gone on but we don't know about? Shouldn't there be an investigation like the progressives socialsit liberal Marxist democraaats did to President Trump on ''the Ukraine phone call'' but not but not Biden's sexual assault  Terra Reid?

What ever happened to the progressive Marxist's ''ME TOO'' movement where the liberal democraaats demand women must be believed? Women are always right and truthful!!!! 

How many more attacks on women are in Joe Biden's past glorious history in government service??

One case in point, Biden was allegedly evolved in a nearly violent incident with a secret agent where Biden attacked the agents girl friend during a photo opportunity.  Biden grabbing, cupped the breasts of the agent's girl friend which led to the agent pushing Biden away, and then it escalated until others had to intervene.(Judical Watch is pursuing this in a law suit.)

Oh well, this is not the same as some monster on the Supreme Court. This is a respected democraaat of many years servicing faithfully his and our country. Get real!

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