Sunday, December 27, 2020

A Short History of democraaats Over The Decades : Whatz Changed??

 As the saying goes, if you take the spots off a Leporid will you believe the animal is no longer a threat to your personal safety? Still millions continue to believe and vote for self destruction.

Why is that? Are their lives so miserable that they just want to take the easy way out by voting democraaat over and over again, not understand the democraaats don't want them dead, just enslaved? 

The democraaat leadership know that for the most part dead people can't vote, right? Oh, but wait, 10's of thousands of dead people did voted this year. Isn't that illegal?? For most of us it is but not for democraaats! 

The justice system at all levels refused to hear the complaint. Even the Supreme Court said it's okay! And when the Supreme Court speaks, we all must obey.

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