Saturday, December 26, 2020

Joe Biden Wishes He Could Be President : But Fate Says Only Cookies And Warm Milk!

 Being president is not a fun job! The person that is elected to that position has a lot of responsibilities that requires them to be on duty 24/7, not maybe half day on Tuesday and Wednesday, off the rest of the week and then off on the weekends.

And even more will be required of a mentally challenge 3 year old that finds the days of the week are confusing and he wonders why his parents hate him? Why do they hate me? 'Come on man, it's no ''Fu#*#kin big deal'', I'm still just Ol' Joe Biden, just like in the old days when it was me and Barrrack skating on the pond with thin ice having funs!'

What did I do wrong?

Wait a minute, who is this masked person? Dr. Who? Is this my
sister? Hey it can't mom, right?

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