Thursday, December 10, 2020

Gov. Witless(Whitmer) 2020 Person of The Year : democraaats Proclaim Leader of The Pack!

 Governor Whitmer is the perfect person for a Marxist rag like Time magazine to be ''person of the year'' to represent the progressive Marxist democraaats as she is determined to destory the entire state of Michigan for reasons none other then she can! A mental degenerate of massive proportion, she claims it's all about saving lives associated wit the Wuhan virus nonsense.

In reality, she is just being a good democraaat socialist worrier ready and willing to tear the guts out of the state to demonstrate what she believes is necessary to bring the state's population to it's collective knees to meet the agenda and ideology of progressive socialists driving for the power for ultimate control in America.

Once the population's options for individual freedom and prosperity or even just to survive have been eliminated, what will they have left to live on to work for? All that will remain is government.

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