Thursday, December 10, 2020

Don't Think About Eating Hot Dogs All Your Life but Wonder What's in The Vaccine? Who Knew?

I guess hot dogs are a secure food as we have been eating for generations without dying or severe pain as a result, but It does seem strange that many among us are questioning the coming vaccine to combat the Wuhan virus ''thing'' that is causing some of us to hide our faces and reel in fears of human contract then ultimately running in fear to hide in closets and basements.

Much of what some humans do can be seen as insane, totally out of the realm of civil society's understanding as sensible or reasonable behavior. And yet they seem to continually perform flawlessly convincing the rest of us to wonder how the hell did we get to this place in time? 

Will some have reaction to the vaccine, sure but then everyone as some point have severe reaction to their house mates. Right?

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