Monday, December 21, 2020

Barrrack Ogbjmma Takes Control : Biden Confused And Dumbfounded!

 Ol' Joe doesn't understand as he was told to just stay in his basement until told to come out and sit in the Oval Office as president. And he followed Barrrack's directions just as he always did! 

But now as Biden's brain disease has accelerated making him less aware and mostly intellectually vacant, he finds things are not as promised, but helpless to object to others taking him by the hand to places he was told he would never really have to go!

This not right! To abuse a mentally challenged child like this not human. But then, not to worry, ol' Joe will be back in his place of comfort and security very soon, his basement enjoying what he like most, warm milk and cookies! 

democraaats are on the move!

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